«officer Orcot, what am i going to do about you?
i do enjoy your company.
one of these days, I may not let you leave»

«The meaning of life, that was it.
Meeting you.»

ita/eng/es OK
! feel free to dm me anytime, i can be pretty shy but i'm always up to make new friends !

before you follow:
NOT SPOILER FREE (especially about my main fandoms)
lots of shitposting
sometimes nsfw
tweets mostly in italian

don't follow if:
you fit the basic dfi criteria (homophobic, racist, ect..)
you hate what i enjoy
you don’t want spoilers in your tl i don’t mark spoilers
you start drama just for fun

im pretty selective of my followings so i won’t follow back if we have no interest in common

main fandoms

pet shop of horrors

jojo’s bizarre adventures

owari no seraph

pandora hearts

hypnosis microphone

mxtx novels
currently tgcf


avete creato questa casta su twitter di persone che si credono superiori agli altri quando in realtà siete soli odiosi, ciao belli
boku no norito, vero?

mo dao zu shi favs
xue yang
xiao xingchen
jiang cheng
nie huaisang
nie mingjue

tian guan ci fu favs
shi qingxuan
he xuan
shi wudu
xie lian
hua cheng
quan yizhen
yushi huang